Guess whose Back!

So I failed on my fourth New Years resolution in a seriously hardcore sort of way. I had been hoping to post more but in truth I haven’t actually done any blogging since January 14th. That was five months ago.



My blog really got pushed to the back burner as I worked on all of my assignments and my final internship. Well it all has really paid off as I will be leaving this program with a 3.8 GPA (that is an A average) AND I have an interview in my own field on Monday (only been out of school for two weeks).

But now that I am able to get out of school and into the real world I am hoping that I will be able to at least become somewhat consistent in my blogging!

So please look forward to:

  • Anime North 2016
  • New reviews
  • The last 2 styles from my Top 10

Of course there will be more than just those posts so I hope you all keep reading!





Happy New Years!

Well another year has come and gone and now it is time to start thinking about the year to come. 2016 is going to be a very busy year for me and considering I have already purchased 3 parts of my Anime North cosplays already, you can bet that it is going to be a good nerd year.

Things that I know for SURE are happening this year include:

  1. Getting my drivers license – various issues have kept me from doing this in past years but I have been doing a LOT of practicing and my test is booked for next Friday
  2. Graduating College – Technically I have done this twice already, but THIS time I actually plan on staying out of school
  3. Finding a full-time job in my field – This may end up becoming either a part or full-time job depending on availability
  4. Making my first cosplay prop – I cannot sew worth spit but I CAN craft, so I plan on making my holsters for my Twi’lek cosplay

Now onto the big topic that everyone always asks after New Years – what are my New Years resolutions. I tend to avoid doing resolutions to be honest because, to be frank, I suck at following them. However I do have a few goals for the New Year that I am hoping to achieve.

  1. Complete a novel – I am kind of cheating with this one since I already have a book half way done.
  2. Tighten up my arms – I kind of have bat wings right now as it, so I want to trim up my arms before Anime North
  3. Get my drivers license – Another cheat
  4. Post more -This one will benefit all of you here!

I also kind of want to take more outfit photos but this is unlikely to actually happen since right lighting is hard to come by.

Anywho, tomorrow I will resume with my top 10 fashion styles so I will see you all tomorrow!




Fashion Substyle Intro Post

tumblr_mhmenoOldk1qhal7jo1_500One of the main questions I keep getting asked on my Tumblr is ‘what are my favorite fashion substyles’ and this really got me thinking because frankly I have a LOT of favorite substyles.

So with that in mind I have decided to do a series of Top 10 Fashion Sub styles! This list will be in order with #1 being, my number one favorite fashion style.

I should note that rather than doing just one post about Lolita I have decided to break it up into the different lolita sub styles as frankly I don’t love ALL lolita substyles.

Okay now to the basics: in each post I will include the why I like it; what I don’t like as much; the perceived advantages of the style; and the disadvantages.

Without further ado I present to you ‘Technikitty’s Top 10 Styles’!

A Tale of Things to Come

So first off, I would like to apologize for not being too active lately. To be brutally honest I have just had no nerdy adventures to talk about lately.

But then it occurred to me today … nerdy doesn’t just have to be about anime, manga and comic books! I am a nerdygirl of many flavours; a fashion nerd, obsessed with the retro esthetic; a horror and ghost nerd, obsessed with scaring the heck out of myself (and others); a baking nerd, in love with learning new dishes to serve to my family; and I am a creative nerd, writing my own novels and spending way too much time trying to figure out the logistics of the fantasy world I have created.

So this blog will be changing. I will no longer just be talking about anime and manga, but I will also start bringing up the other items in my life I am nerding out over.

So please look forward to baked goods, outfit posts, Friday Favorite Items, things that scare me and maybe even some sneak peeks at my novel.



Greetings my geeky darlings!

First off I must apologize for my long absence. I literally have not posted anything since September 1st and man was that a weird post request.

Anyway basically my absence excuse is two factors: (1) I have a new part time job and I have been getting some pretty epic work hours which have really helped me in the whole earning money to pay back school loans and such and (2) I have started a new program.

Yes that’s right I have started another new program. After graduating from Journalism I realized two major things: one was that this field has no jobs in it right now that I was personally interested in and two was that I prefer writing for fun rather than nosing into other peoples business (which is pretty funny considering how nosy I am).

So now I am back at the same school I graduated from twice in the Recreation & Leisure program which is basically preparing me for a career in planning fun events for old people, who I absolutely love! Not only can I literally move anywhere and still get a job as people grow old everywhere but it still allows me time to write or even do voice overs if I so desire.

With all that cleared up I will now return to you your regularly scheduled nerding and opinions.


Finally Fixed WordPress!

Hello my geeky darlings!

I am so sorry that I have been gone so long but WordPress has been being a total butt and absolutely refused to let me post anything I wrote.

It finally appears as though I finally fixed it however, though to be honest I really have no idea HOW I did so.

Ah well, never look a gift horse in the mouth my ducks!

Anyway, coming up in my blogverse is the continuation of the Anime challenge, why I do not cosplay to Fan Expo, Fan Expo vs. Anime North, and what to wear to a con when you don’t cosplay!


30 Day Challenge: Very first anime you watched

So today is the first official day of my 30 day anime challenge and

Not surprisingly my first anime was …


I used to watch this show every singly morning growing up! For my, I think it was 8th, birthday party I even had a Sailor Moon cake and all of my presents ended up being Sailor Moon themed.

I had all the dolls, all the wands, the backpack, hell I even had the long hair that I wore in constant pigtails!

Looking back at it, I shouldn’t be shocked that I ended up as a total anime fan. There was just so much I liked about the show at that age. I like the colours, the overly exaggerated emotions, the idea that a total normal girl was actually this superhero-princess-thing.

I was always obsessing over gaining powers just like Sailor Moon and using them to fight off my hated bullies who called me fat and a crybaby. Everything about Sailor Moon was just a nice escape from my world – of course at that point in my life I didn’t even know that Sailor Moon WAS anime or even from Japan!

Instead I learned to cope by writing fanfic … that’s right I was writing fanfic by the time I was 8.


My Personal Cosplay Survey

Here is an example of a completed cosplay survey (aka mine)

Name/Cosplay Alias:
Katrina / Technikitty

How long have you been cosplaying?
Hmmm let’s see, I guess since 2009 so that would be five years now!

Who have you cosplayed so far?
• Roxas – Kingdom Hearts 2
• Tifa Lockhart – Final Fantasy VII
• Orihime Inoue (Arancarr Dress) – Bleach
• Orihime Inoue (School Girl) – Bleach
• Blair – Soul Eater
• Boa Hancock – One Piece
• Stocking Anarchy (Film Dress) – Panty & Stocking
• Fionna – Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake
• Team Rocket Grunt – Pokemon

Which was your favorite?*
A tie between Blair, Fionna and Stocking. Blair was the first time I hosted a photoshoot and joined cosplay chess as well as my first time in a Acksonl video. Fionna is just pure fun, because Adventure Time is the awesomeness and Stocking gets the most compliments.

Which was the hardest?*
Roxas, my first and last time sewing a cosplay.

Which was the easiest?
Team Rocket Grunt was really easy to put together with stuff I owned. Plus NO WIG!

Any dream cosplays?
Someday I would love to cosplay a Western superhero, but I don’t feel comfortable enough in my body yet to go near spandex.
Oh! I also really want to cosplay as Cryo in her Ice Queen skin from Prime World!

What are you currently working on/What cosplay do you have planned next?
Currently I am working on Maou and my Ragnarok Scholar and I have yet to make any plans yet for future cons.

What is the best thing about cosplay?
The creative aspect and meeting all sorts of new people!

What is the worst thing about cosplay?
The elitism and various prejudices against weight types.

Why do you cosplay?
I cosplay because I love being able to leave my own world and transform into someone who I am not. Whether it be a badass little adventure girl or a bitchy pirate snake queen.

Anime North 2014 Lineup!

Anime North is officially 5 weeks and 5 days away and I am officially starting to get excited!

Earlier this year I was really considering dropping out of the cosplay and Anime scene due to all of the drama I was seeing (along with my own poor self-image). Oddly enough though over the past two months I have actually met some amazing people DUE to geek drama and I am working on my self-image so I am back in the game!

This year I am bringing my Scholar from the once incredibly popular MMORPG Ragnarok Online AND Maou-sama (aka the Demon King) from Maoyuu Maou Yuusha.
Ribbet collage
I have no idea what the temperature is going to be like (or what material Maou is getting made in since it has not arrived yet) but I am assuming that Maou may get a tad warm.

As for the Scholar, I still have to finish my magic book weapon and choose my wig but that is the great part about cosplaying customizable characters, you can wear any wig you want!

So far I am leaning towards this schedule:

Friday: Maou (though I may go casual for the Western Media photoshoot I am running)
Saturday: Half and Half (when depends on Cosplay chess)
Sunday: Scholar

I am also running the Western Media Photoshoot on Friday which should be epically chaotic as well as planning to take part in Cosplay Chess, though my spot in the Chess is not yet official (bummer).

Bad Blogger is Bad – and Brief Update

oij53AbI am the worst blogger ever! I have been so busy with school that I have been neglecting my tales of nerd dom!


I will be posting another blog today but first I will do a brief life update!

Okay, so first off I FINALLY decided on my big cosplay for Anime North 2014! This year was brutally hard deciding since I have not been watching a lot of Anime and I tend to read Manga that has very, not cosplay fun clothing.index

For awhile I was actually thinking about cosplaying a Twi’lek from Star Wars and investing in a pair of Lekku (the species head tails) but I realized that would be too expensive.

Anywho, after a LOT of thinking and searching I finally settled on the decision of cosplaying as a Scholar from Ragnarok Online!

The great thing about Ragnarok Online is that because it is an online game I can customize my character the way I want to. That includes the wig and random accessories. I have not decided on a wig yet but I am thinking about wearing elf ears as my accessory.

Team_Rocket_Grunts_artworkIn other news, Con-G is this coming weekend so you lovelies will be getting a con update about that with a LOT of pictures since I am doing a full page on the Con for my school newspaper.

This year I will actually be staying AT the con since it is Con-G’s last year so I will be attending a LOT of panels as well as the masquerade and speed dating.

For Con-G I will be cosplaying as a Team Rocket Grunt, though I will not have the proper boots or gloves and I intend on wearing tights cause it is DAMN COLD IN CANADA! I will also be wearing a black cat kigurumi!

Well that’s all for now but later on today I shall be talking about Geeky Speed Dating!